Collins later recounted her reaction to first hearing it, in a private hotel-room performance: “Afterwards, we both cried – and then I said, ‘ Oh, Stephen, it’s such a beautiful song. Though amicable, the separation had pained Stills in particular, leading him further into experimental songwriting sessions – and soon resulting in the oddly balanced exhortations of Judy Blue Eyes. The track arose from Stills’ reflections on a recently-ended relationship with Judy Collins, a razor-sharp singer and social activist five years his senior. CSN members have also used the tuning (+ close transpositions) on Déjà Vu, Word Game, Carry On, and Love the One You’re With (cp.4). *** Selected by our editorial team.Bruce Palmer’s tuning will forever be associated with Suite: Judy Blue Eyes – a bold Stephen Stills composition immortalised through CSN’s Woodstock performance in 1969, reaching millions via the concert film and accompanying soundtrack release. ** Single print order can either print or save as PDF. We want to emphesize that even though most of our sheet music have transpose and playback functionality, unfortunately not all do so make sure you check prior to completing your purchase print. * Where transpose of 'Suite: Judy Blue Eyes' available a notes icon will apear white and will allow to see possible alternative keys. After you complete your order, you will receive an order confirmation e-mail where a download link will be presented for you to obtain the notes.

When you complete your purchase it will show in original key so you will need to transpose your full version of music notes in admin yet again.ĭo not miss your FREE sheet music!This week we are giving away Michael Buble 'It's a Wonderful Day' score completely free. If it colored white and upon clicking transpose options (range is +/- 3 semitones from the original key), then Suite: Judy Blue Eyes can be transposed. In order to check if this Suite: Judy Blue Eyes music score by Crosby, Stills & Nash is transposable you will need to click notes "icon" at the bottom of sheet music viewer.